Reply to post: Re: It is all about Usablility

Surge in home working highlights Microsoft licensing issue: If you are not on subscription, working remotely is a premium feature

AJ MacLeod

Re: It is all about Usablility

NX Client via SSH is not even nearly the same risk as a whole PC connected by VPN. You would need very specialised (and effectively worthless) malware (essentially a trojan copy of NXClient) running on the client machine in order to make any kind of use at all of the secured connection.

However, you are the one that's missed the main point of the article, which is about the licensing pitfalls and uncertainty involved with (in particular) Microsoft software and remote working. Open source software simply does not have these issues at all; use it on one desktop in your bedroom or ten thousand company laptops distributed across the world, nobody minds, nobody will come snooping about demanding an audit.

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