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Surge in home working highlights Microsoft licensing issue: If you are not on subscription, working remotely is a premium feature


Meanwhile, our corporate xrdp servers behind a certain popular open VPN server package continue to chug along as if nothing happened.

One of the reasons for removing Windows from our network was this exact problem. The EULA for Windows changed with Windows 10, to the point of being worse than useless (i.e. a sueball attractor) if CALs aren't purchased. And when you look at CALs, you need Windows Server, not Windows Professional or whatever it is called these days. Bottom line is that it was cheaper and safer to migrate to Linux and use Wine for those handful of legacy Windows-only apps that prior to 10 were running on native Windows on a small number of firewalled boxen. Since the corporate systems were already mostly Linux and BSD-based (including desktop), it was a bit of a no-brainer with that EULA change.

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