Reply to post: Re: Look at the super markets.

Oh-so-generous ransomware crooks vow to hold back from health organisations during COVID-19 crisis

Hubert Cumberdale Silver badge

Re: Look at the super markets.

It is arguable. Over the last three weeks or so, I've been gradually getting more than usual, because I wondered if things were heading this way. None of it has been "panic buying"; I'm calmly stockpiling. I don't have a car, so can't get masses at a time. And no, I haven't bought unnecessarily large quantities of toilet paper. I have a supply for perhaps three weeks, which isn't very much in my case. Reasons I've been slowly stockpiling:

1. I live alone, and don't have many friends in my local area, so if I have to isolate myself, things could get difficult in terms of being able to eat. Besides, the people I do know around here may also end up in isolation.

2. If the country goes into lockdown – and despite recent denials, things are moving very fast and I fully expect it to happen at some point – then I don't trust the government to be able to get themselves together enough to keep food deliveries on track. They have shown little competence so far.

3. This is going to get worse before it gets better, so I'd rather buy now when there are not quite so many potentially infected people about than take a greater risk while shopping when the infection rate is much higher.

In summary, slow and calm stockpiling is, to me, very logical. I like to think that I've been doing it in as spaced-out and responsible a way as possible. I'll be interested to see my balance of upvotes and downvotes on this one.

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