Reply to post: Re: Pitch forks unnecessary, Karma is good enough

Theranos vampire lives on: Owner of failed blood-testing biz's patents sues maker of actual COVID-19-testing kit

Dan 55 Silver badge

Re: Pitch forks unnecessary, Karma is good enough

It was not necessary for the UK to wait for this report which was released yesterday before taking action. Action could have been taken before following the Asian countries' lead (and it's hardly unknown ground given the previous pandemics) and refined with the release of this report.

But it's nice to see that the UK has finally decided that more testing is worthwhile. Shame they're still not testing NHS workers as a pretty basic requirement for fighting this virus is that staff are disease free and do not spread it amongst themselves, patients who are in hospital for other reasons, or visitors.

The UK's 'business friendly' approach is cod-science bullshit. Nobody still really knows if the virus mutates or not, this year's immunity might mean nothing next year. People need to be cured and the spread of the virus needs to be stopped, now.

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