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Microsoft's Bill Gates defrag is finally virtually complete: Billionaire quits board to double down on philanthropy

IGotOut Silver badge

"Definitely held back the development of computing for the widest benefit to all."


Before 95, you had office computers and home computers. There was massive incompatibly between device to device. Want to run a Atari program or even a file on Amiga or PC? TOUGH! You'd be lucky if you could even get the disk to read.

Then came along 95. Here was software that the average person could use at home AND at work. This mean't people could use a pc at home and then get a job in an office and know the basics.

Then you had Plug and Play, granted it was far from good, but compared to the nightmare of setting up the drivers prior to this, it was heaven.

So Windows, despite all its flaws, took computing from hobbing or utter computer geek, to the mainstream.

So cut this crap about how wonderful it was before MS.

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