Reply to post: Urban Legend? It's not always the cleaner

Not exactly the kind of housekeeping you want when it means the hotel's server uptime is scrubbed clean

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Urban Legend? It's not always the cleaner

Sometimes it's the JCB operator.

I couldn't believe how much of a caricature this experience was. The office was an old mill building, next to a river. One morning, all comms went down, everything dead. I knew we had all our eggs in one basket as we the office was supposed to be temporary, and as everything was out, the issue could only have one origin. As I got up, I looked out of the window across the river, where I saw a JCB, bucket in the air, with the ripped innards of a thick cable hanging on either side. I almost laughed at the textbook example.

A quick trip across the river, to let them know the severity of their teeny weeny little bit of enthusiasm and several hours later all was well.

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