Reply to post: Re: One day, not to far in the future,

Meltdown The Sequel strikes Intel chips – and full mitigation against data-meddling LVI flaw will slash performance


Re: One day, not to far in the future,

Yes, in the "old days" of 30+ yrs ago, I acquired a Vic 20 and taught myself 6502 assembly programming (Ah.. happy days!) during which I acquired a word processing program called (if memory serves) Tempest. It was written using an assembler and was so blisteringly (unbelievably at the time!) fast it could scroll 100+ page of a text doc, faster than you could possibly read the screen.

I do often think of it when using various "high power" machines over the intervening years, whilst "waiting!" for something process. Given the near astronomical processing power differences between then and now, I still doo - sadly! :-) - expect every keypress to be instantaneous

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