Reply to post: Re: Could not agree more

The Wristwatch of the Long Now: When your MTBF is two centuries

ThatOne Silver badge

Re: Could not agree more

> as you already know how to use the platform it's on: Windows or MacOS

That's observer bias: You need to consider someone who isn't fluent in (any blend of) computers, deciding to start a career as an author and needing a tool for this. Not considering hardware/OS issues (since they are irrelevant to his needs), what would be the best tool for him? Wordstar, or Word?

Suddenly the difference narrows down to secondary and mostly unimportant things like "I like / don't like the look of the GUI on that one" or such. The fact is both are capable to do what's required, and much like two cars, the choice would solely depend on the personal taste of the user.

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