Reply to post: Re: shouldn't have to jump through hoops

Another week, another bunch of Windows 10 machines punched by a patch

Snake Silver badge

Re: shouldn't have to jump through hoops

The only logical deduction one must come to is that Microsoft decided to optimize Windows 10 for business use: the system has a default of not allowing automatic update reboots between the hours of 8AM to 5PM, typical business hours.

Microsoft could/should ask each individual user, during initial setup, for their usage pattern - home or business - and then change the active hours for disabling auto reboots accordingly (business hours for work, night hours for home as most people will use their personal machines after work, with a reminder-override after too many days of failing to reboot if you haven't done so).

Maybe they'll get a clue and implement this in later builds in order to help with user issues.

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