Reply to post: Re: Mr Olber takes a trip outside.

Astroboffins agog after spotting the first repeating fast radio burst that pings every 16 days from another galaxy

Loyal Commenter Silver badge

Re: Mr Olber takes a trip outside.

I know you're joking, but due to expansion, there is only so far we can see across the universe. Due to space expanding uniformly, as you get further away, the relative acceleration away from us increases. There is a limit at which this is the speed of light, and you can see no further. Also, due to red-shifting, the further something is, the longer the wavelength of the light coming from it. Hence the cosmic background radiation (which is the oldest, hence the furthest thing we can see) being in the microwave region of the EM spectrum. If you could see microwaves, the night sky would indeed be pretty bright, from the echoes of the big bang.

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