Reply to post: In this day and age

B-but it doesn't get viruses! Not so, Apple fanbois: Mac malware is growing faster than nasties going for Windows

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

In this day and age

Anyone who thinks that any computer that is connected to the Internet is safe from being infected with all sorts of nasties shoul be banned from using a computer for life.

I run my Laptop with a a number of protections in place. These include Ad Blockers, Javascript disabling and a comprehensive (as in more than 10,000) domains blocked in both my hosts file and in my home firewall.

Then it is also down to the user to be careful.

As the Desk Sergeant used to say on Hill St Blues, 'Be Careful out there!'.

If you get infected by nasties then then perhaps it is not the computer setup that is at fault but you the user.

All of the above apply equally to Windows, Linux and MacOS.

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