Reply to post: "the telemetry FUD has not been proven conclusively"

Microsoft ups the ante with fix-fixing patch that leaves some Windows Server 2008 machines unable to boot

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

"the telemetry FUD has not been proven conclusively"

Feel free to read this, if you didn't before:

i.e. "Diagnostics"

"This data is transmitted to Microsoft and stored with one or more unique identifiers that can help us recognize an individual user on an individual device and understand the device's service issues and use patterns."

"Optional diagnostic data"

"Enhanced error reporting, including the memory state of the device when a system or app crash occurs (which may unintentionally contain user content, such as parts of a file you were using when the problem occurred). Crash data is never used for Tailored experiences as described below"

Even MS acknowledges dumps can contain sensitive information.

Full list here:

And for example:

"User generated files -- files that are indicated as a potential cause for a crash or hang. For example, .doc, .ppt, .csv files"

The day someone in EU can prove the system has uploaded sensitive information behind their back MS will be in great GDPR troubles.

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