Reply to post: Re: The long game

Google Chrome to block file downloads – from .exe to .txt – over HTTP by default this year. And we're OK with this

Mike 137 Silver badge

Re: The long game

It's actually much worse than that. By virtue of the need to "get on page one" of Goooooooogle, every web site is now developed according to the same goddawful standards dictated by guess who. For example:

[1] the entire site map on every page, placed right at the top, causing anyone using a screen to text reader to have to listen to all that crap before they get to the (typically) couple of lines of text of interest at the bottom.

[2] All images served by javascript (take note El Reg, and no it doesn't deserve capital letters) ensuring that anyone who browses securely (and thus can't be snooped on) can't see the pictures.

[3] All links resolved by javascript, with their HTML anchors blocked by #, ensuring that the user can't browse without being snooped on.

[4] entirely javascript-driven sites that don't render at all unless scripting is enabled, ensuring that the user can be snooped on (take note NCSC - as the national cyber security agency you should know better).

[5] forcing all web sites that want a Gooooooogle ranking to go TLS even where it's utterly unnecessary in real terms (the outcome being proliferation of unverifiable self-signed certificates bought on the cheap).

They'd like you to think that this is all in aid of User Xperience and Security, but in reality it's just a good way to corner the entire ecosystem. And they're being let get away with it.

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