Reply to post: Re: CIA - Crime Inventing Agency

He’s a pain in the ASCII to everybody. Now please acquit my sysadmin client over these CIA Vault 7 leaking charges

Claptrap314 Silver badge

Re: CIA - Crime Inventing Agency

It would be really, REALLY hard to convince me "beyond reasonable doubt" that a person who had lower access to systems was not set up by someone with higher access if the person with higher access was pissed off enough at them. The fact that the government is using such "evidence" at all suggests that the rest of their case is weak.

Further more, if the reporting is precisely accurate, the feds are feeding a line of BS to the jury. We are to believe that a computer on the inside, assigned to a former disgruntled employee, was left sitting running for more than four months? How else would there be anything at all in the "memory" of the computer to leave the tracks as claimed?

Equally tough to believe is that he was successful in deleting the logs off the target system, but failed to delete them on his own?

If I were on the jury, this alone is almost enough for me to acquit, and I'm no fan of Wikileaks.

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