Reply to post: Re: Better title

Oh ****... Sudo has a 'make anyone root' bug that needs to be patched – if you're unlucky enough to enable pwfeedback

Loyal Commenter Silver badge

Re: Better title

I'd argue that if the flaw is in the source (even if not the default configuration) then the flaw is in the compiled code. Whether it's turned on or off is largely moot, the alarming thing is that such a flaw exists in sudo.

If by "configuration", what is being talked about is whether the code in question is compiled in or not (i.e. due to an #IFDEF section), then it's slightly less alarming, although still alarming that such flawed code should make its way into the "official" source.

I am assuming here that such things are tightly controlled, and someone somewhere is responsible for maintaining an "official" source for the sudo command. Presumably, it's low-level enough to be distributed with the kernel (I've never dug into the innards of *nix enough to know, TBH, I don't fancy losing myself in that particular time sink). I would guess that various distros don't go around rolling their own forks of sudo for shits and giggles, because frankly, as a security practice, that would smell very bad.

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