Reply to post: Technically,

iCloud hacker perv cops nearly 3 years in jail for stealing and sharing people's private, intimate pics

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward


he'll be "subject to notification requirements under the Sexual Offences Act 2003" for "an indefinite period". There's no such thing as the "Sex Offenders' Register" in the UK - that name is borrowed from the insane system in the USA: the UK's system doesn't allow anyone to be looked up on any kind of list and hunted down by vigilantes, and it doesn't prevent anyone from doing anything in particular, it just means they have to "notify" the police of various things like their address. And nobody can be ordered to be on this so-called register for life; people can apply to come off it after behaving themselves for a while. Furthermore, he'll almost certainly only spend 16 of his 32 months actually in prison. It bugs me that the media so often report these things sloppily. I thought the Reg would know better... but I fully expect this comment to be rejected.

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