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Brave, Google, Microsoft, Mozilla gather together to talk web privacy... and why we all shouldn't get too much of it

Someone Else Silver badge

"The web doesn't exist in a vacuum," Lawrence warned. "People who are building sites and services have choices for what platforms they target. They can build a mobile application. They can take their content off the open web and put it into a walled garden. And so if we do things with privacy that hurt the open web, we could end up pushing people to less privacy for certain ecosystems."

Patent bullshit of Trumpian dimensions. No one is pushing people to less privacy. People like to use the web. People (increasingly and inexorably) want more privacy. Browser developers who supply access to the web and respect privacy will win, the others will lose. Simple supply and demand. And a person who is not on the web because browsers are constantly tattling on them is not a person who is viewing adverts or participating on that vaunted (and mythical) marketplace of all things that are.

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