Reply to post: Re: Well IBM is one problem

It's good to talk: Union says IBM failed to consult system support techies as Scottish Power contract nears end


Re: Well IBM is one problem

"Signing up to pay someone else to take of things for ten years at a time is a waste of money and resources,"

Sometime it isn't purely about the immediate money.

I worked for a large organisation where the IT support budget was a black hole, an expense the business had to pay without understanding what they were paying for Project changes were constant and true costs were obscured in the project/maintenance/operations mashup.

By outsourcing IT Support it was possible to demonstrate just what, or more importantly, what the business was not getting for its money. It took many years for the business to agree up front exactly what it wanted and stop changing the goalposts every six months. 10 years outsourced and support was brought back in house under control.

I'm not defending outsourcing, its a shitty experience for most people, but it is sometimes the best was to achieve a business outcome.

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