Reply to post: Anyone up for some Open Sauce?

Remember that Sonos speaker you bought a few years back that works perfectly? It's about to be screwed for... reasons


Anyone up for some Open Sauce?

The whole proprietary mess around ChromeCast Audio and it getting killed off, along with the poor integration of ChromeCast, Airplay, etc. unless you're using a blessed app/platform was the motivation behind me starting an attempt at an Open Source alternative. I call it NymphCast and it's been brewing on Github for a while now:

Still Alpha quality at this point, but streaming of content (audio & video) from a local device (with the client player/app) works, as does 'casting' of stream URLs, and 'NymphCast' apps are supported using AngelScript. It targets a wide range of platforms, though I mostly use Raspberry Pi and similar SBCs as test platforms right now.

Ideally, this kind of project should get some official app support from the usual suspects. I hacked a SoundCloud app together that actually does work, but has to use the client ID borrowed from Chrome and other browsers, which is slightly dodgy and unreliable. Don't even get me started on getting support for YouTube, Amazon Video and Netflix on there.

I'd love to get a few volunteers on board to test, tweak and get the project ready for at least something resembling a Beta. Seeing an open, non-proprietary alternative to everything from Sonos to ChromeCast and Roku eat the latter's lunch would be an interesting sight to behold :)

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