Reply to post: Re: 2019?

Squirrel away a little IT budget for likely Brexit uncertainty, CIOs warned

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Re: 2019?

"WTF" indeed. Worstall (also known for his climate-change denying articles where he selectively quotes pieces of research out of context in an attempt to "deomnstrate" that their conclusions are the opposite of what they actually are) seems to be claiming that people "go to jail [sic] for bendy bananas".

I'd love to see the news reports about this happening. I suspect it hasn't. I could possibly foresee somone being fined for consistently passing off low-grade fruit as higher-grade fruit, but what would be more likely here is that people would just stop buying from that producer. I don't honestly believe anyone is going to be imprisoned for it, unless the fruit they are passing off is dangerous in some way, and someone was harmed by it. Unlikely, to say the least, but also justified.

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