Reply to post: Re: "Those which focus only on risks will fail to gain any upside..."

Squirrel away a little IT budget for likely Brexit uncertainty, CIOs warned

Bruce Ordway

Re: "Those which focus only on risks will fail to gain any upside..."

>> what "Brexit means Brexit" means

As an observer from the US I'm fascinated by the whole Brexit thing.

Has seemed an emotional issue more than anything else. Where people speak, it sound like they explain how they feel, but never express exactly why they feel that way.

I'd be surprised if it gets any more clear cut after all has been said & done.

Obviously should stash some cash away to make it through the (hopefully for you, a short) period where a massive amount of money and effort will be required to handle the changes. Obviously your politicians will proclaim success at some point... you know, because "we did it". I wonder how you will ever measure your gains/losses though. This really reminds me of some IT platform migrations I've been involved with. The kind of projects where I've been relieved when it was over but... I really can't tell you why we bothered, how much it really cost or how things are really better/worse than before we started. Where my gut tells me before and after is about six or half a dozen.

Anyway, I wish good luck with Brexit in the new year to all my cousins in Britain and Europe.

We''ll need some good fortune in the US too. As we have plenty of our own issues to work through in the coming year.

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