Reply to post: "This is what happens when you scrimp on software dev, testing and docs"

Boeing aircraft sales slump to historic lows after 737 Max annus horribilis

Pascal Monett Silver badge

"This is what happens when you scrimp on software dev, testing and docs"

Damn right. 890+ orders down to less than 60. Hey, beancounters, whaddya think of that ? Did you succeed in diminishing costs enough ?

Hey, board members ! Happy about pushing your engineers to cut corners ? Pleased that you have worked in the best interests of your shareholders ?

I am pleased as punch with this result. Orders down by a whopping 94%. Now if that doesn't provide an incentive to do things right, I don't know what will.

If there is any professionalism left, the entire board will be sacked and an actual engineer put back in control.

Here's hoping.

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