Reply to post: Re: Upgrade from Windows 7

Step away from that Windows 7 machine, order UK cyber-cops: It's not safe for managing your cash digitally

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Upgrade from Windows 7

I admit, if I saved to ODF, then compatibility would probably be fine. But my clients sadly want their edited manuscripts back in .docx or (heaven help us) .doc format (and in two versions at that - one with full change tracking and one without).

Because Office is not even able to be 100% compatible with itself across different versions, going between two different programs while using MS's cobbled-together half-binary/half XML transitional formats is just asking for trouble. I have enough problems getting tables to stay formatted the way I tell them to as it is.

Not only that, in some cases, if I open the same document on my laptop and my desktop, they're sometimes formatted slightly differently. In the same Office365 subscription. This means I have to remember to edit my invoices on my desktop rather than my laptop or the formatting gets screwed. I think my O365 subscription may be haunted.

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