Reply to post: Re: "It solves a problem that people have."

Linux in 2020: 27.8 million lines of code in the kernel, 1.3 million in systemd

Rich 2 Silver badge

Re: "It solves a problem that people have."

Your response seems filled with arrogance to me...”

I don’t think it’s arrogant at all. Software does not have to crash. If it’s written well. I have written many applications that run for literally years with no problems. And that’s not because I’m super-human. It’s because that should be the norm.

Anyone working in an embedded environment will (should!!) have written stuff that doesn’t crash and which is likely to need to carry in not crashing forever. In my experience, software often fails because it was a heap of crap in the first place. Yes, even well written stuff might fail because of some unforeseen circumstance. But it should never crash. At worse, it should fail gracefully But even that should be limited to initial development and testing.

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