Reply to post: Re: ELEVEN YEARS to "succeede"?

LibreOffice 6.4 nearly done as open-source office software project prepares for 10th anniversary

nautica Silver badge

Re: ELEVEN YEARS to "succeede"?

A very elegant (read that as 'small'--as in 25 MB! ; 'very powerful for its size'; 'highly capable'; 'gets very good reviews') alternative to the wretched wordprocessor under discussion here is named "AbiWord", and is NOT available for Windows. When it comes to compatibility with Word, it is PRECISELY as compatible with Word as is LibreOffice: it is NOT, just as LibreOffice Writer, at ten (or more) times the size, is NOT.

AbiWord 3.0.4


AbiWord v3.0.4 Release notes

(27 November 2019)


AbiWord v3.0.3 Release notes

(24 November, 2019)

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