Reply to post: Hmmm

FYI: FBI raiding NSA's global wiretap database to probe US peeps is probably illegal, unconstitutional, court says

lglethal Silver badge


So the court decided that using the database without a warrant is illegal, thats great. But how the FBI can say "oh but we never used that database in this case, but we're not going to tell you how we got the information for prosecution." and not automatically have the information ruled out as inadmissable is totally beyond me.

How can they get away with not revealing to the judge, where and how they got the information they used for a prosecution? Are the FBI, actually the Stasi? If a judge asks where info comes from, surely that must be handed over immediately? Sure the prosecutor can ask for the court to be closed to the public or hell that the information is provided to the judge only if its considered secret, but if a judge asks and gets told "sorry no were not giving you that." then how on Earth can it be used in court?

The mind boggles! (or it would if we didnt continually read about the lengths US law enforcement will go to "bend" the rule of law in their favour...

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