Reply to post: Re: US labour laws = unfair competition

EU wouldn't! Uncle Sam brandishes 'up to 100%' tariffs over France's Digital Services Tax

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Re: US labour laws = unfair competition

not only is that too many people in University but Universities are expected to graduate a huge number of those which then causes lower standards to pass enough people to meet the goals and for the University to acquire enough money to continue to run. My ex marked papers for a professor of hers. It was a second year course. many of the papers looked like they were written, printed and hardly legible, by a grade 7 or 8 student and she was expected to give many of those a passing grade. As a side note, I've met some foreign students who have Canadian University degrees and can hardly write in English, but that makes sense given my previous sentence. Of course, I've also met foreign students who were absolutely brilliant, but for Canadian Universities foreign student fees are a huge boon to their finances, so many pass who shouldn't, just like Canadian graduates.

In Canada, there is not enough money to run our primary and secondary schools properly, let alone fund higher education. Actually, as per our GDP there should be lots, but tax laws having been bought by corporations there isn't. That trend really got started in the 1980s.

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