Reply to post: Re: Vertical space rules

We strained our eyes with Lenovo's monster monitor: 43.4 inches for price of five 24" screens


Re: Vertical space rules

Who said our drone uses aerodynamic lift principles at 300,000 feet (91440 metres)?

Did I say that ANYWHERE in my piece? It goes to 300,000 feet AND it can go MUCH HIGHER THAN THAT as it's low orbit (300 km) and high orbit capable! (i.e around 42,100 km or about 26,100 miles)

I said it could GO that high but i didn't say HOW!

What the heck do you THINK we do with that fancy 210,000 processor 128-bits wide 60 GHz GaAs 119 ExaFLOPS supercomputer we have? Tell it to design paper origami shapes all day?


It autonomously designs HIGHLY ADVANCED "Field Effects Propulsion Systems"! We don't NEED NO STINKING ROCKETS to go where we're going! There ain't even any stinking patent on this as we are going to give those field effects propulsion designs away for FREE as COMPLETELY OPEN SOURCE! Field effects engines are remarkably SIMPLE in their design! They're basically cavity resonators and waveguides!

ANY 2nd or 3rd year (or a really smart high schooler!) can make this with a decent machinist and CNC machine! 418 Grade Stainless steel works BEST but you can get away with 414 grade Stainless Steel too! No EXPENSIVE Titanium needed!

While "Inertial Dampers" are a few hundred years away, all-attitude High-G, field effects propulsion IS HERE NOW !!!




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