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Russian FaceApp selfie-slurper poses 'potential counterintelligence threat', FBI warns

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

"Well, the FBI just responded. And they told me any app or product developed in Russia like FaceApp is a potential counterintelligence threat."

"And this is why we require an urgent, complete ban on all exports of hardwood and all the technology underlying the design of abacuses to Russia, as well as all imports of the finished articles from Russia. Without it, our national security shall be severely compromised. Oh, and let's also include China in that ban for a good measure," said the congressman in a follow-up interview. Or so I was told. Allegedly.

When did the US get to the point, where it is no longer capable of functioning without an external enemy, real or manufactured? It feels like it happened during my lifetime, but the transition from the open and friendly society to the total-siege mentality was so gradual, I can't really pinpoint the exact moment - if there was one.

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