Reply to post: And works the other way too!

Vote rigging, election fixing, ballot stuffing: Just another day in the life of a Register reader

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

And works the other way too!

In 2011 I worked for a main sponsor of the London 2012 Olympics and they had an in-house competition to carry the Olympic torch.

I have performed many charity and public service roles outside of work for the past 30 years. Many of my colleagues entered my name into the competition for the particular role they were familiar with and some for my work.

I wasn't a successful candidate, but then received 6 "you were nominated for" certificates. It turns out that the judges thought that the disparate roles could not be the same person so they counted them separately! And 3 of them were in the top 5!

I did get to hold the torch of someone who organised a single football match between underprivileged kids and the local Police Officers!

Anonymous because I do not have a common name and was the only person on the global pay role with that name!

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