Reply to post: Re: I can only assume that the stalkage etc moved into legal/crime territory

Googlers fired after tracking colleagues working on US border cop projects. Now, if they had monetized that stalking...

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: I can only assume that the stalkage etc moved into legal/crime territory

it does sound like a reason to stalk the stalkers, which may be how they found out about their excuse for legitimately firing them.

Actually, depending on how the union works, it may be *beneficial*. The stereotype union wants too much money for too little work, is thuggish, goes on strike at the slightest provocation, yotta yotta. A good union acts like a human resources department combined with a labor force that produces quality work at a reasonable cost to the management company.

However I think any kind of white collar union is a bad idea. It's the wrong kind of thinking pattern for GOOD engineers. The best engineers are creative types who think non-linearly, often 'out of the box'. A unionized labor force, however, tends to behave 'collectively', not something that induces creativity nor 'out of the box' thinking. The two are mutually exclusive (in my view).

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