Reply to post: Re: advertising

PSA: You are now in the timeline where Facebook and pals are torn a new one by, er, Borat star Sacha Baron Cohen

Pirate Dave Silver badge

Re: advertising

Therein lies the problem. Polarization. Objective neutrality isn't seen much these days, most things are slanted to one side or the other. Everyone is pushing one agenda or another. The question is - why? Here in the States, if you turn on the news, it's either the Mainstream Media pushing the their vitriolic anti-Trump campaign non-stop, or it's Fox or OAN pushing for Trump to be made a Saint and declared Emperor. There's no quiet middle-ground of just simple, accurate facts. Obviously, facts aren't glamorous and don't generate "likes" or hipster points amongst the yoof (which is ALWAYS the target demographic these days), so they get shuffled to the side and ignored, or coated with sugar to the point they aren't recognizable anymore.

For example - I don't expect that, in my lifetime, we will ever get an objective overview of the Trump years. The normal press hates him passionately, and so will tinge everything they report about him in a negative light. And we have no hope of ever getting any truth out of the Trump camp itself. This whole administration will go down in history as a blackhole of truth at the center of a quasar of misinformation.

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