Reply to post: Re: Yawn

Internet world despairs as non-profit .org sold for $$$$ to private equity firm, price caps axed


Re: Yawn

I have to agree - in part - there is a lot of that going on, but it isn't every non-profit either.

In the US, pull the 990 Forms for "non-profit"organizations -- might be surprised just how "poor" many of the Leader-type folks are in these "non-profits" - here is an example :

Or, look at the 990 of the Internet Society mentioned in the article, for a "non-profit" their "altruistic" staff was making some good money even before all of this :

But, just poking around your *local* charities/non-profits is also interesting (in the US, you can get the 990 forms here : -- and see if they are funded by government grants and then trace those non-profits to see if they give to other non-profits and see who "owns" them, and see which politicians are friends of said "non-profit" directors, and well, you might find an "interesting" pattern....

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