Reply to post: Re: "it is well suited as a benchmark for control algorithms aiming to solve complex tasks"

You wanted flying cars and colony worlds. Instead, IKEA furniture-building-ish AI robots


Re: "it is well suited as a benchmark for control algorithms aiming to solve complex tasks"

Given that people rarely need a furniture-assembling robot to be available to them immediately and every day, I would expect a rental model, like for trailers or panel vans, to be better suited.

So you follow the instruktiön sheet, then, when you get stukk you call the helpline as indikäted; the phöne menu will offer the option for getting one of the åssämbly röböts out to you. For the moment this will involve a delivery service or you picking one up at the store, but with sufficient training and some further development they will be able to drive themselves.

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