Reply to post: Re: They paved paradise and put up a parking lot (for container farms???)

Welcome to cultured meat – not pigs reading Proust but a viable alternative to slaughter

CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

Re: They paved paradise and put up a parking lot (for container farms???)

flooded it with salt water and destroyed it, about 1000 acres worth?

And, by doing so, probably helped save nearby farm land from flooding... (it's well known that marshes and wetlands soak up rising water much, much better than hard barriers).

Part of our problem in the UK is that, over the years, we've dismantled all the natural systems that used to soak up flood events and replaced them with easily-floodable farmlands and housing.

So the RSPCA are, in putting things back to *how they were* are actually helping protect from flooding.

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