Reply to post: Re: Protest via DDoS ?

Denial of service kingpin hit with 13 months denial of freedom and a massive bill to pay


Re: Protest via DDoS ?

In general you may be right but it's not that black and white.

When Paypal, VISA and other similar companies stops allowing their services to be used by a company or organisation for political reasons, it can end a company or organisation as it struggles to find other ways of payment. This has happened with some VPN companies, Wikileaks and even some hosting companies because of political pressure.

The little guy has no way to really voice their opinion on that with it being noticed or heard but taking VISA and Paypal offline via DDoS made enough attention to get that fact on the main news channels. Operation Payback got coverage like those gluing themselves to floors in London recently. Both inconvenienced people but the London protests were legal to organise and participate in, if you kept to the law. DDoS'ing a site is not.

That did not stop media companies hiring Aieplex to DDoS torrent sites though which is well documented. Pretty sure no one in Bollywood or Aieplex went to jail though. The same with the anti-piracy companies that cause denial of service on perfectly legal trackers by faking clients that don't exist and other tricks to cause issues. Which goes back to my original point of it seems to be ok for governments, companies and the rich to do all these things which anyone else would go to jail for.

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