Reply to post: Re: Surely

Remember the Uber self-driving car that killed a woman crossing the street? The AI had no clue about jaywalkers

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: Surely

The deer sprang off but the bambi slipped. I had no time to brake so I drove the car into a ditch.

It's a tough choice, assuming you even spot it in time and have the presence of mind to make a conscious decision. Around here, where deer are the second or third most common cause of vehicular accidents (impairment is first; the statistics I've seen were from several years ago, and distraction may now have passed deer), the authorities and insurance companies frequently tell people not to swerve, just brake if possible and stay on the road, on the grounds that swerving is statistically more dangerous to the driver and passengers than hitting a deer.

I've never hit a deer with any of my cars, though I've had close calls, and once was hit by a deer. It jumped out from the woods into the side of the car. I wasn't going sideways, so that puts the deer entirely at fault. (Also I had the right of way. And it wasn't licensed or registered to operate on the public roads. Deer have little respect for the law.)

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