Reply to post: Re: Somewhat curious...

Heads up from Internet of S*!# land: Best Buy's Insignia 'smart' home gear will become very dumb this Wednesday

Martin an gof Silver badge

Re: Somewhat curious...

But shutting it down is a one-off cost and probably a tax-deductible "loss". Keeping servers running is an ongoing cost. Because (I believe) there was no subscription, just an outright purchase, keeping those servers running relies on a sort of pyramid scheme where new purchases pay for the upkeep of existing devices. Eventually it must all come crashing down.

As others have said, there's no easy way out of this if vendors insist on lock-in. Open protocols would do it, so long as someone is willing to make the effort. A subscription model would do it, but how many eejits - even the sort that seem to fall for these things all the time - would fall for "pay us £5 per year per light switch"?


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