Reply to post: I could use this much whitewash for the house

Move along, nothing to see here: Auditors say £100k grant to Hacker House was 'appropriate'


I could use this much whitewash for the house

Read the report - it's pretty short.

There is no good reason stated for the waiving of the requirement for the grant not to exceed 50% of the company's income (£0.00 in this case *).

Apparently the requirement for the company to be UK-based is checked by the highly investigative method of looking to see whether they give a UK registered address. Never mind actually checking whether they're operating from there. The Granuiad rang up their "UK" number and it diverted to California. So, not a lot of effort involved to discover the bullshit.

But all of that is OK. The report says so.

And I do note that nobody seems to be asking what happened to the money. Have we actually seen any of these highly-trained Security whizzes produced?

My turn for a 100 Grand bung next, I suggest.

* Although they did apparently provide some bank statements that showed it wasn't zero. Surely that discrepancy alone would have set off alarm bells?

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