Reply to post: Re: Filling station power requirement

Boffins blow hot and cold over li-ion battery that can cut leccy car recharging to '10 mins'

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Filling station power requirement

I think by this point we already know who the downvoter is. Someone who cannot do math, and sees electric as a magic solution to everything.

Your math is fine, you conclusion and opinion not bias. Why downvote, even if electric is the solution, because we *would* need extra generation/power supply. *That's what petrol currently is, a power source*!

Thus it's not a road block, but a realistic and possibly untenable fact, that we would need more generation of power, if going full electric (back of the envelope maths would only need to be done on the number of engines you replace = KWh of power needed replacing into the grid).

Can we build nuclear plants? Yes. Can we go solar/wind? Yes. Will we? Who knows! But it's nothing to start a flame war over. :P

So thanks for the level headedness amongst so many loop fruit cakes.

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