Reply to post: Re: what a journey!

The eagle has handed.... scientists a serious text message bill after flying through Iran, Pakistan


Re: what a journey!

Gwalior is a city in Madhya Pradesh, India, and thus extremely unlikely to fly in to Mordor to rescue Frodo and Sam. Not to be confused with Gwaihir, lord of the eagles of Middle Earth and descendant of Thorondor, mightiest of all birds of the First Age of Middle Earth.

As for simply flying in to Mordor with the Ring, there's a good reason why that was never an option. The Great Eagles, serve Manwë, Lord of the Valar. After the War of Wrath in Morgoth (Sauron's former boss) was overthrown, a large chunk of Middle Earth, Beleriand, was totally trashed leaving only the Blue Mountains at the extreme west of Middle Earth. The destruction was so great that the Valar decided that any future intervention would be indirect, and that salvation for Middle Earth would have to come from its own people. The Istari (of whom Gandalf and Saruman were members) were Maiar (lesser forms of "angel) were sent to Middle Earth to inspire and encourage, but not to act directly as leaders. And the Great Eagles flying the Ringbearer to Mount Doom would be direct involvement by the Valar and thus verboten under their own rules.

Mine's the one with the entirety of Tolkien's legendarium in the extremely large pockets

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