Reply to post: PEBBAP

Remember the 1980s? Oversized shoulder pads, Metal Mickey and... sticky keyboards?



Early 1980s, working at a small retailer which had a mini-computer (a Wang MVP 2200, for those interested), there was a single line printer - very fast, very noisy and, because it sat in the main admin office, under a soundproofed hood.

Monthly sales reports, and one of the bosses (snappy suit, polyester tie, cup of coffee) was waiting for his sales report. Obviously he couldn't wait the 10 minutes or so it took to complete, so he opened the hood, started looking at the figures running past, and gradually leaned over until.....

…. the tie flopped into the printer, jerked the jerk further forward, the coffee went everywhere and (fortunately for him) everything ground to a screeching halt before he could be throttled. The printer was out of action for about 2 weeks, and I don't think he ever got his report.

Title: Problem Exists Between Boss and Printer

Icon: coffee, although no printer

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