Reply to post: Re: @PhoenixKebab

I see your blue passport and raise you a green number plate: UK mulls rewards scheme for zero-emission vehicles

Wellyboot Silver badge

Re: @PhoenixKebab

There are over 38 million licensed vehicles on UK roads including over half a million HGVs, almost all are using oil derived power. The power requirement does not drop just because they all go electric. The HGVs will require battery charging in the MW range, spread across a day thats over 20,000 per hour and none of the UKs current truck stops have plug in points.

The UK oil refineries have a combined production capacity of some 60+M tonnes per year, I believe that the electrical power equivilent of the product is something like a constant 80GW, this is quite a bit more than the average 31GW national load the electrical system currently copes with.

Even with the lower % transmission loss of the electric grid compared to the thermal energy loss from ICE there is still a major national upgrade required to provide the power.

The idea that we can replace all current oil & gas powered devices with the current electric generation & transmission network capacity is laughable.

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