Reply to post: Grind ma gears - Peter Griffin type road rage rant

Traffic lights worldwide set to change after Swedish engineer saw red over getting a ticket

Danny 2

Grind ma gears - Peter Griffin type road rage rant

One of the first lessons in my college electronics course was to build and code a traffic light system. Using LEDs and a 6502 processor. Easy peasy, so why hasn't anyone who actually builds traffic lights learned this? I loathe when I approach a traffic light and it turns red for no apparent reason. It offends the innate sense of justice all pack animals have, even dogs.

If there was a car or pedestrian waiting then fine, no problem, that is civilisation, but half the time I get stopped by a traffic light there is nobody else there. It's on a timer. When there is nobody else there it changes back to you more quickly, but still, why the timer, why the stop? I used to just run such stops, but now they have cameras I have to stop and contribute more to air pollution.

I learned that many US traffic lights can be changed by an emergency vehicle using an infrared light strobe, and some by a sub road magnetic signal. I have no problem with that and so I built such a device to test if it works in the UK. It doesn't. Our police cars, fire engines and ambulances just run red lights just like they break any other laws, and most of us are okay with that.

I'm sure we've all seen ignorant drivers holding up emergency vehicles in the UK. Legally you can be charged for pulling over for them if you are breaking the law by pulling over, which is just Ass, but most (many) of us are decent. and sensible as are the courts.

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