Reply to post: Re: DES

Father of Unix Ken Thompson checkmated: Old eight-char password is finally cracked

Roland6 Silver badge


"you need that safe to be in the cloud and sync'd."

What if that option were not available to you? How would you handle it?

Well, to me 'cloud' is both public and private, what is key is simplicity of access and sync. which implies some form of networked solution.

You'd just sync one device to another directly.

Interesting, distributed/mesh credential management. definitely possibly via bluetooth. Support for personal area networking is probably a must have feature for credential managers going forward.

Or do you genuinely have a situation where you never have two devices in the same place at the same time?

Well, I genuinely have times when devices are in the same place but on different networks, but both with internet access. Yet both could be associated via the same bluetooth/personal area network.

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