Reply to post: Re: It depends

Traffic lights worldwide set to change after Swedish engineer saw red over getting a ticket

ChrisC Silver badge

Re: It depends

"It must really suck to only be capable of understanding things in the context of a handful of distinct (primary and basic blend) colours."

As someone with red-green colour deficiencies, my personal take on this is that it only sucks when someone else fails to understand that we don't all have identical colour vision and gets all huffy when you try explaining to them that you genuinely can't tell the difference between colours A and B no matter how many times they tell you they really are different.

As far as it affecting my own individual progress through life, other than being ruled out from a few career choices I might have been interested in, it rarely crosses my mind *except* when someone else brings it up. Being CVD from birth, I've never known what it would be like to see the world with a more vibrant and varying palette of reds and greens (or any other colours of which these are component parts), so how I view the world is, quite simply, how I view the world. My skies are still blue, my grasses are still green, and my stop lights are still red. I still live in a world of colour, even if I don't necessarily see them in quite the same way as others.

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