Reply to post: @Blackjack Re: The problem is...

Google lashes out at DoJ, Oracle as it asks US Supremes to sniff Java suit one last time

Ian Michael Gumby

@Blackjack Re: The problem is...

If you are old enough to remember when Java was introduced. The mobile platform (ME) was never free. There was a reason for this. The trouble began when Moore's law made it possible for Java's standard JVMs could run on mobile devices.

From the lawsuit(s) between the two titans, it became apparent that Google muffed their clean room version, thus opening the door to this mess. So if anyone at Google wants to blame the need to continue to pay FRAND to Oracle... its on them.

As to the consumer... not much would change. Less than $1.00 per device at the time of purchase.

(Rough math YMMV but you get the idea. )


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