Reply to post: Workoholics

A spot of after-hours business email does you good, apparently

Big_Boomer Silver badge


Oh there are plenty out there. They start early, finish late, and most of them constantly bang on about how many hours they are working. Personally I just laugh and say "I prefer to work efficiently and get my work done during office hours".

That whole culture of "I work considerably more hours than yow!" is and always was laughable. They rarely achieved in their 14 hour working day what I achieved in my 7.5 hour working day and in the end most of them dropped by the wayside once management finally saw past their brown puckered lips.

Yes, I'll answer my work mobile phone after hours, but they'd better have a damned good reason for phoning me or else be prepared to experience the addition of a new excretory orifice. As for emails,.... it's a store and forward non-real-time comms medium. If it's an urgent problem, then call. If it's an email, by definition it's not urgent and can wait until tomorrow.

There are also some whose home life is sooooooo dull that an email from work is a welcome distraction. I mostly feel sorry for them.

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