Reply to post: Re: It was the EU who compelled Ms to make Ms.Net an open standard....

Microsoft says .NET Framework porting project is finished: If your API's not on the list, it's not getting in

david 12 Silver badge

Re: It was the EU who compelled Ms to make Ms.Net an open standard....

>Try working at a large company with apps fighting over bugs due to differing VB runtimes.<

That problem was the VB3 and VB4 runtimes, which is to say Win9x/Win 3.x The later problem which people are more like to remember was the problem with conflicting C runtimes around the time of Win2K, which caused problems with objects written in C for use in other programs (including for use in VB programs).

It was the problem with conflicting C runtimes (as exposed by VB and other programs), along with the decreasing cost of memory and disk space, which caused MS to rethink their shared DLL approach.

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