Reply to post: Re: More Unicorn Poop

We're free in 3... 2... 1! Amazon unhooks its last Oracle database, nothing breaks and life goes on

Roland6 Silver badge

Re: More Unicorn Poop

Interestingly, it very clearly states in the article:

AWS evangelist Jeff Barr reports ... migrated to AWS database services.

If we look at AWS database services we find:

Relational Database Service (RDS), which offers Aurora (MySQL and PostgreSQL compatible), PostgreSQL, MySQL and MariaDB, as well as Oracle and SQL Server.

So it would seem that what has happened is that Amazon the company are no longer running Oracle on their private internal IT systems. Instead they are using their public AWS database services and paying accordingly. Obviously, whilst doing this some DB's were migrated away from Oracle.

Does any one have a breakdown (ie. numbers) of which AWS database service those "nearly 7,500 Oracle databases" were migrated to?

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